Friday, May 6, 2016
Monday, May 2, 2016
Hi everyone.
After serious contemplation and soul searching, I have come to the decision to put all of my blogs and social media attentioins on temporary hiatus. JUST for the month of MAY. I have some health issues I need to contend with as well as household/ family things.
I am hoping, with rest, the health issue will improve and I can come back in June stronger than ever.
I will be at The Starlight Theatre in Branson this Friday night to see the Larry's Country Diner show, featuring Mark Wills. If you're in the area, you do not want to miss this great show. There are other great guests this week for Larry's Country Diner, including T. Graham Brown, Gene Watson, Mo & Holly Pitney and Mark Lowry. I hope to resurrect Out of the Chute in June as well as Turntable Tuessday. A lot of folks are releasing new music in the coming months so should be great!
I already have some posts scheduled for Concerts & Events. And if you are looking for somewhere to hear great music, please refer back to any of the previous Party Lists for links to artists and venues in your area.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. I will see you soon.
Country Blessings