Wednesday, July 11, 2012
TWENTIETH CENTURY DRIFTER: The Life of Marty Robbins is well written. Like any other project author Diane Diekman produces, the material she presents comes from countless hours of research and interviews. She doesn't take 'I don't remember' for an answer. Diane digs till she gets the information she is looking for.
Through her diligence, we are rewarded with an all-access pass with the late Marty Robbins from the people who knew him best. Diane leads you on a journey through detailed accounts and photos from his boyhood antics through to his many accomplishments both in the music industry and on the racetrack. Not only will you see a side of Marty Robbins only those closest to him ever saw, but you get a glimpse of what life in Nashville was like in it's early days and the role he played in helping others on their way up.
I was first introduced to Diane through her book about the late, great Faron Young. “LIVE FAST, LOVE HARD: The Faron Young Story gave me an insight to her talent in showcasing the legends of Country Music. I’d had the opportunity to spend time with Faron many years ago and knew Diane was telling it the way he lived. She’s done the same with this book.
I’ve been a fan of Marty Robbins all of my life. I remember Dad singing El Paso to me as a child when I had growing cramps in my legs and couldn’t go to sleep at night. I remember hearing El Paso City and feeling as if I was in the airplane looking down over the city. When he sang, his music took you with him wherever his mind went. Like any good writer, if they can make you feel a part of what you hear or read then they are a success. Marty Robbins fit the category of Success.
Whether you are a fan of classic country, Nascar or the man, this book on the legendary Marty Robbins belongs in your collection. You’ll find it HERE.HERE
Diane sends out an eNewsletter. The newsletter is full of tidbits found too late to include in the book and memories from fans just like you. If you’d like to receive the newsletter, send an email to:
Country Blessings!
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